Thursday, May 19, 2005


Beamer is a latex class used to prepare presentations.It is not a WYSIWYG program.It can easily create dynamic effects.Predesigned themes can be used to make presentations.The layout,the color,the fonts can be globally changed.
Beamer can be used with pdflatex and latex+dvips commands.

Beamer can be used to add audio and video file in the presentation.This can be done in two ways:

1) By calling an external program to play the audio or video file.
Using the '\href' we can run an external program eg. mplayer,xmms.
This has been implemented in the sample files at the following link:
(View Readme first) Sample-beamer.pdf

2) The multimedia package of beamer has commands such as '\sound' and '\movie' that enable us to embed movied and sounds in pdf files.Using this the data of the sound file can be completely embedded in the a pdf file and hence no need to carry the sound file along.The package can play movie in the presentation itself.
We still have to implement this.


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